
At The Corner House, we understand the importance of residents stimulation, both in mind and body. We feel we can offer our residents opportunities to be fulfilled and happy, & do as little or as much as they like. We understand our residents are individuals.
Activities are fun, varied & exciting. Our activities co ordinator organises the daily activities on reflection of what the residents want. She is also responsible for leading in our award winning initiative by managing volunteers & engaging the community.Here are some of the going ons:
Gardening club, manicures & hairdressing in our Pamper Room, Wii, focus on health, through yoga & nutrition intake by residents, flower arranging, bingo, quizzes, cards , musicians, church services, reading groups, knitting club, movie afternoons & evenings in our cinema lounge, tutoring, schools lead project on weekly basis, library reading group, befriending, sherry mornings………. and every month we have a social evening inviting families to participate in events like Race Nights, Quiz Nights and varied music and entertainment.
We also do outside trips, which have included the theatre, Tiptree Jam Factory, Frinton Garden Centre & coastal Pub. We also regularly organise special themed days for our residents and families: Australia Day, International Taster, Olympics Celebration, 1950’s Party, May Day & Fun in Scotland.
We are strong advocates of My Home Life movement & are currently piloting FaNs in Essex, which aims to increase community contact. (website links to both). By inviting in the community we also feel we are further safeguarding our residents by this open approach, as well as providing additional companionship & opportunities for activity